What is an AFVU?
This unit is custom-built to provide ventilation and air filtration for rooms that do not have conventional mechanical ventilation. The unit brings fresh outdoor air into the room, tempers the temperature of that outdoor air, and filters the air that is already within the room to maintain high air quality.
Why is this unit in my space?
Many rooms in older buildings at Yale rely on operable windows as the only way to bring fresh air into a space. This is a natural ventilation scenario. During the winter months, when opening windows is less desirable due to colder outdoor conditions, an AFVU will control and temper fresh air coming into a space. In addition, the unit includes high efficiency hospital grade MERV14 filtration to clean room air. The operation of this unit has been tested by Yale Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) and is in line with the Yale Facilities reopening plan for university buildings to allow room occupancy when windows are not being opened.
Can I turn the unit off?
No. Please do not turn off the unit. It should be operating continuously through the winter months. When outdoor air conditions are suitable for use of operable windows, Yale Facilities will modify its use schedule and/or operation accordingly.
Who made this and installed this unit?
This unit was assembled and installed by electricians from Yale’s physical plant, equipment mechanics, painters, and millworkers.
Who can I call for help with this unit?
If you have any concerns or comments regarding this unit, please contact Yale Facilities Customer Service at (203) 432-6888.